Unlimited hosting

Our web hosting plans offer 'unlimited' disk space, but we have set certain parameters to ensure security. This prevents a clumsy script from taking up too much space. If a user meets the criteria, their disk space can be increased beyond the security value. Customers can use… All article

What is hosting?

 What is hosting?Hosting is renting space for a website on a foreign server. Landlord server is known as a provider of web hosting (web space hosting). With hosting you can put your website on the internet without having your own server.Range of prices for webhosting are from a few CZK to… All article

Can I really have my own domain and web hosting under 1000CZK per year?

Yes  you can! We have NO LIMIT webhosting for only 19CZK per month and Czech domain will cost you only 196CZK for one year.The total cost of your website is now only 424CZK without VAT per year and it is significantly below 1000CZK.For your hosting you can now get pre-installed CMS,… All article

What is a domain and domain registration?

 Domain is the basic unit of the Internet that represents a specific IP address (naříklad 82.100.xx.xx). For users it is certainly easier to access on the web site or FTP interface through a written address before typing four numbers.Domains are divided by level:first domain level - the… All article

How to pay for ordered services?

 After your domain or hosting order is complete in another email is sent to you also an invoice in PDF format, which contains all the necessary information to properly and timely pay such as: variable symbol of payment, date of issue and the total amount.If you order registration of a new… All article


mod_rewrite is enabled on the server.What are the typical problems that mod_rewrite can help you with:Your pages have moved to a new address and you want them to redirect visitors.Your pages have complicated addresses. You can not remember them, it is difficult to send them by e-mail, they… All article

Telephone support?

 Yes BEST-HOSTING.cz offers within their hosting tariffs telephone customer support.Customer support is provided by calling + 420 491 618 519We also provide at podpora@best-hosting.cz e-mail support, and other services related to billing are handled on weekdays (Mon-Fri, 8 - 16h) at… All article

General setup for email client

 If you have not found instructions for setting up the email client use hint for your selected program.The settings you will need the following information.POP3Server Address: pop3.best-hosting.czport 110Name identical with the e-mail address. eg neco@pokus.comPassword that you… All article

How to login to MySQL from PHP script?

 MySQL access do not sent data. You create them in the client section (administration) after login. Form for lost access data to client section find here.1. MySQL name (MySQL User name):is generated automatically by the system and can not be changed.2. MySQL password (MySQL Password)delete… All article

How to connect to the server via FTP

 Setting the FTP client:Server Address: Use ftp.best-hosting.cz (older ftp.best-net.cz)Port: 21Transport type: we recommend passiveUsername: see the administrationPassword: You can change in administrationIn case of loss of FTP passwords in administration is required to set the new… All article

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+420 491 618 519 Technical support
+420 491 618 517 Orders, invoicing
podpora@best-hosting.cz Technical support
ucetni@best-hosting.cz Billing department